
Diagnostic wrapper module to ease setting up the CSAM building blocks


delaunay_metrics(params, tri[, writer])

Helper class for evaluation of the CSAM on a Delaunay triangulated domain.

diag_plotter(params, nhi, nhj)

Helper class to plot CSAM-computed data

class wrappers.diagnostics.delaunay_metrics(params, tri, writer=None)#

Helper class for evaluation of the CSAM on a Delaunay triangulated domain.

__init__(params, tri, writer=None)#



instance of the user-defined parameter class


instance of the scipy Delaunay triangulation class

writersrc.io.writer, optional

metric will be written to a HDF5 file if writer object is provided, by default None

update_quad(idx, uw_ref, uw_fa)#

Store the computed idealised pseudo-momentum fluxes on a quadrilateral grid, i.e., the reference grid.


idxstr or int

index of the cell


2D array the size of a dense (truncated) spectral space containing the reference idealised pseudo-momentum fluxes


2D array the size of a dense (truncated) spectral space containing the first-approximation’s idealised pseudo-momentum fluxes


Method to get the relative error explicitly before wrappers.diagnostics.delaunay_metrics.end() is called.



a list containing the index pair in int for the Delaunay triangles corresponding to a quadrilateral grid cell



the relative error of the CSAM on the Delaunay triangles against the FFT-computed reference

update_pair(triangle_pair, store_error=True)#

Update metric computation instance with the data from the newly computed triangle pair



a list containing the index pair in int for the Delaunay triangles corresponding to a quadrilateral grid cell

store_errorbool, optional

keep a list of the errors for each triangle pair, by default True. Otherwise, the errors are discarded and only the average error is stored.


Ends the metric computation


verbosebool, optional

prints the average errors computed, by default False

class wrappers.diagnostics.diag_plotter(params, nhi, nhj)#

Helper class to plot CSAM-computed data

__init__(params, nhi, nhj)#



instance of the user-defined parameter class


number of harmonics in the first horizontal direction


number of harmonics in the second horizontal direction

show(rect_idx, sols, kls=None, v_extent=None, dfft_plot=False, output_fig=True, fs=(14.0, 4.0), ir_args=None, fn=None, phys_lbls=None)#

Plots the data



index of the quadrilateral grid cell

contains the data for plotting:
computed CSAM spectrum,
computed idealised pseudo-momentum fluxes,
the reconstructed physical data)

sols is the tuple returned by wrappers.interface.first_appx.do() and wrappers.interface.second_appx.do()

klslist, optional

list of size 2, each element is a vector containing the (k,l)-wavenumbers, by default None. Only required to plot FFT spectra.

v_extentlist, optional

[z_min, z_max] the vertical extent of the physical reconstruction, by default None

dfft_plotbool, optional

toggles whether a spectrum is the full FFT spectral space or the dense truncated CSAM spectrum, By default False, i.e. plot CSAM spectrum.

output_figbool, optional

toggles writing figure output, by default True

fstuple, optional

figure size, by default (14.0,4.0)

ir_argslist, optional
additional user-defined arguments:
[title of the physical reconstruction panel,
title of the power spectrum panel,
title of the idealised pseudo-momentum flux panel,
vertical extent of the power spectrum,
vertical extent of the idealised pseudo-momentum flux spectrum]

By default None

fnstr, optional

output filename, by default None

phys_lblslist, optional

axis labels for the physical plot, by default None